Guided Experience: Connecting to Feeling of Love
Lesson 1: Guided experience
We begin with a guided experience. I invite you to close your eyes or soften your gaze. There is no need to focus on the screen or have your eyes focus on anything in particular. To help support you, imagine that there is a grounding cord from the backside of your heart. This grounding cord starts to unfurl and break through the earth. Going through each layer of Mother Earth until it gets to the earth's heart to that sacred fire. Hook in your grounding cord. Take a full deep, inhale breath. Exhale all the air out with a sigh if possible. Once you're hooked in, you might notice that your spine feels slightly straighter. The top of your crown is feeling a little higher.
Just know that you are here, grounded and supported and held by Mother Earth unconditionally held and loved. Just let your breath be whatever it needs to be in this moment. Any area where you may be feeling some tension or may not be as soft, give yourself permission to just set it down. And if you need to, you can pick it up afterward. But for this time, for this moment, just give yourself permission to set it down.
I want you to go into a moment, a memory where you felt most loved. It didn't matter when this was. It doesn't matter who it was with. But I want you to return to a moment or memory when you felt most loved. I want you to be in that moment and memory as you felt most loved. Know that your mind has no sense of linear time. So as you are in this moment and this memory, your mind believes it's there too. I want you to connect to what it feels like to be in that moment. If you wish, add some detail, remembering what time of day it was? What were you wearing? Who was there? What was happening? Add any sounds, colors, or textures.
Really be in that moment in that memory. Focus only on the feeling of being loved, not who offered you that love. This is key. Focus only on the feeling of love. Separate it from who gave you that love. Detach the person or persons who gave you the love. Only focus on the feeling of love you are experiencing in that moment or memory. If your mind starts to distract you or offer insight into "remember what happened afterward?" Invite your mind to rest. Let it know you remember, but for this moment, you want to be in the fullness of this memory of being loved.
If it's a little challenging to remember or connect to a moment or a memory of being loved, think of something that you did for yourself that was very loving. And as you are in this moment, in this memory, I want you to only connect to that feeling of being loved or loving yourself. Notice what starts to wake up in your body as you relate to these feelings of being loved and loving. As you tune in to that vibration of being loved and being loving, I want you to bring that into the space of your heart. Notice what happens to that space of your heart when you do so. How maybe it softens and opens up more? And in your next inhale, amplify that love vibration 10 times more and feel it throughout your entire body. Notice what that feels like now? Continue to amplify that vibration of love to fill up the whole room you are listening to this guided experience. Now just bring it back to that space of your heart and let it reside there. Let it be there. Let it be there to support you as you continue this journey to love yourself.
Begin to make your way back to the present time, to the space you are in. Take three clearing breaths. Inhale, hold your breath, and exhale. Do it at your own pace. Then gently tap your body to start waking up. Do some gentle stretching. Bring yourself fully present at this moment and gently open your eyes.
Take five minutes to free write whatever came up for you around being loved and the feeling of love you connected to. Do not overthink it. Do not censor yourself. Allow your mind to release all that emerged in this guided experience. Set the timer for five minutes and put the writing tool down when the timer goes off. Don't linger on what was or was not shared in that free write. Let it be what is in this moment.