Hi, I’m Reina Prado, founder of Healing Queen, home of the Love Limpias

I'm a Love Conscious Coach who supports clients to re-center love and joy in their daily life so it creates more ease to connect to one's heart's wisdom.

Through the Love Limpias, clients trust more their capacity to love and be loved, awaken a deeper connection with their hearts, and amplify their vibration of love. The Love Limpia reflects a mestizaje (blending) of my ancestral teachings, values, and trainings. 

Love Conscious Coaching is available as private sessions, group programs, or as a hybrid offering through any of my on-line courses. Wherever you are in your journey, I intend to facilitate with you a pathway to love by amplifying your Love vibration.

Each offering includes guided experiences along with practical tools to support your journey back to your heart.

The self-paced courses build from workshops I have presented over the past five years with audiences in the Pasadena/Los Angeles area, Minka in Brooklyn, Mostly Angels, Rainbow Soul Collective, Corazón Counseling, Indigenous Wellness Collective, Spirit Weavers, and Witches Confluence to name a few. Most are hybrid offerings that include Love Conscious Coaching.

You are working with a coach whose holistic practice of over ten years resources from Indigenous, sacred, and metaphysical tools such as plant medicine, crystals, elementals, and astrology to support their clients along with holistic energy healing modalities.

My Guiding Principles

* All beings are living embodiments of Love.
* Vulnerabilities express how you want to be held and feel most loved.
* Joy and Love are not something you search for outside of you. They are soul codes embedded in your DNA.
* Self-Love is not a reward system. Self-Love is a practice of trusting your heart's knowing.
* Master Teachers Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird, and Eagle remind us how to live harmoniously with the elements.
* To Love someone is not work. It's a daily practice of connection.
* Ancestral Joy, Love, and Wisdom illuminate a path to guide us to live with more integrity with our souls.
* Honor energies that may arise at the moment and tend to its need.
* Be audaciously loving and loved.
* Listen from the place of your heart.
* Everyone has their own love stories as well as heartbreak experiences.
* Regardless of your past, remember you are a perfect expression of Love.

"I highly recommend any and all workshops by Healing Queen. Totally life changing !!!" - Ana E.

a crystal grid on a colorful textile with the seed of life image